

Stratos Venus3 mercury
PHOENIX STRATOS Dual Audiocodec with 2 IP, ISDN, and V-35 / X21 interfaces. Ethernet control from Conexia System. Features SmartRTP connection protocol and it is designed to fulfill with the N/ACIP EBU Tech 3326 requirement adding the OPUS encoding. More
PHOENIX VENUS 3 Dual Audiocodec for 2 IP interfaces. Ethernet control from Conexia System. Features SmartRTP connection protocol and it is designed to fulfill with the N/ACIP EBU Tech 3326 requirement adding the OPUS encoding and DANTETM. More PHOENIX MERCURY Single-channel IP Audiocodec. Ethernet control from Conexia System. Features SmartRTP plug-in protocol and is designed to comply with N/ACIP EBU Tech 3326, additionally providing OPUS encoding. More

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